
Health Research Program of the Hungarian Charity Service of the Order of Malta

Changing world calls for changing care

In addition to warming centers, cooling stations, in addition to washing facilities, mobile phone charging stations, and in addition to food distribution, Wi-Fi password distribution is also required. Global warming, pandemics, and digital transformation affect rough sleepers and homeless shelter residents as much as anyone else. The changing world calls for changing care, this was discussed in several presentations at the annual research conference of the European Federation of National Organisations Working with the Homeless (FEANTSA) in Bergamo.

At the event in Italy, the researchers gave presentations on housing and health programs, digital innovations, measurement methodology, and local good practices. The Hungarian Charity Service of the Order of Malta was represented by Dr. Sándor Békási, who presented a hybrid primary care model and the DocRoom health research program. In addition to sharing knowledge and exchanging experiences, the two-day conference provided an opportunity for research groups working in similar fields to start thinking together about joint programs.

FEANTSA has more than 90 member organizations from 23 countries. Its members are organizations that provide diverse services to homeless people, as well as national or regional umbrella organizations of social institutions. In addition to the professional representation of the field and the development of global policies, FEANTSA also carries out lobbying activities at the European Commission.

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